Electronic Cigarettes

Posted by Liquid Coast on 1/22/2017 to News
Electronic Cigarettes
Since the age of 25 I have owned many small business. I always believed it was better to break your butt working for yourself then working for someone else. with no business schooling and no capital to get started, most of the time I would make little or no money. 

Quitting Smoking ….Is it too late ?

Posted by Liquid Coast on 1/15/2017 to News
Quitting Smoking ….Is it too late ?

Quitting smoking maybe the very best thing you could possibly do for your lungs. But is it too late ?

Buying the Right Starter Kit

Posted by Liquid Coast _ E liquids on 1/4/2017 to News
Buying the Right Starter Kit
By now everyone has heard of the Electronic Cigarette. With so many on the market it can be very confusing. When looking for a Starter kit there are a few things that will concern you. Price and quality of the product, Taste yes!  But almost always. value for your money. We all know times are hard. Here is a small check list we put together for you.

Premium E liquid or lipstick on a pig ?

Posted by Liquid Coast _ E liquids on 1/4/2017 to News
Premium E liquid or lipstick on a pig ?
Premium E liquid or lipstick on a pig ?  What does lipstick on a pig mean ? Its a very old expression. basically it means if you put lipstick on a pig. its still a pig. It doesn’t magically become beautiful. Why am i writing about this ? and what does it have to do with Premium E juice ?