Since the age of 25 I have owned many small business. I always believed it was better to break your butt working for yourself then working for someone else. with no business schooling and no capital to get started, most of the time I would make little or no money. as time went on I would learn some valuable lessons. everybody has heard the saying Location Location Location. that’s true whether you own a bagel store or a website. while Google and other companies has made that easy by way of ad words pay per click and such programs designed to get you the best location on the Internet. it seems there is a fly in the ointment. (another old expression ) Google as with most companies has a policy about advertising Electronic cigarettes. now on the face this doesn’t seem to be a bad policy, we don’t want to encourage people to smoke. but for some reason the playing field isn’t really level. because if you type in [Electronic Cigarettes ] [E cigarettes] hundreds of advertisements will pop up. some in the paid advertisements but most not. never the less the Internet is loaded with electronic cigarette companies. one thing you will notice is a certain few are always at the top of the list when you Google search. Why ? if you cant pay for advertisement and you cant pay per click, how are they doing this? well I still may not have the whole answer for you, but here is a little of what I have found out. SEO Yes SEO. It stands for [search engine optimization] its seems if you talk about something enough and if you blog enough and if you put out enough you tube videos, and pay for enough press releases. google will find you and your listing will be higher. sounds simple enough. so I decided to hire someone to do a little SEO for me, I mean anyone who knows their way around the Internet can do this, Right ? wrong! if you google SEO You will see many adds for SEO companies who will almost guarantee you a first page listing. until you mention that your in the Electronic Cigarette business. then all of a sudden the price jumps from as low as $40.00 a month to 3 or 4 thousand a month. with know guarantees. and SEO is not something you do once. its a ongoing never ending job. so if you cant do what another type company can do. such as a clothing company or almost anything else, is this some sort of discrimination ? what happened to freedom of speech. and how come only a certain drug company.[I wont say their name] but just Google quit smoking and you will see their paid advertisement. is allowed to advertise in this way and promote any type of quit smoking program or whatever they deemed OK for you to try. regardless of some of the awful side effects. this cant be about money right? if your thinking about jumping into the Electronic cigarette business, think again. right about now a nice Hot dog stand out on the highway is looking pretty good. but you know what they say. No guts …No glory. we shall see! let us know your thoughts!